
Be diligent to know the state of your flock.
Look after your sheep and cattle as carefully as you can, because wealth is not permanent.

As quality livestock breeders, we are responsible for producing animals that may be used for a variety of purposes including companionship, show, sport, or consumption. We started our farm in New Jersey in 1997, with Nigerian Dwarf goats and a small variety of poultry. We moved to Virginia in 2001, to a larger farm and expanded our livestock base to include Heritage Jersey Dairy cattle, miniature Sicilian donkeys and Alpacas. In 2012, we downsized solely to Nigerian Dwarf goats and poultry.
We continue to use our knowledge of genetics and conformation standards, to select breeding stock that will produce choice offspring. As successful livestock breeders, we try to promote valuable traits (for example high milk production in dairy goats, or large egg producers in our laying hens) when planning our breeding pairs.
As breeders we have also shown our livestock in a variety of judged breed shows and competitive events. Through these events, our livestock has gained additional value as breeding stock. They have proven our breeding management competence through breed appraisal practices.
We want to express our gratitude for your interest in CornerStone Livestock, and whether you intend to purchase from us now or in the future, we appreciate every inquiry and trust we have given you the best service possible in providing you the information needed to make an educated purchase.
Call us to inquire about our livestock offerings – 434-735-0527
CornerStone Farm
Hosts: Barb and Ward Halligan
525 Barns Road, Red Oak, VA 23964
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